Advantages And Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Pros and Cons of solar energy are highly debatable. As we all know, the sun’s radiation gives birth to solar energy. Being a highly powerful energy source, it’s energy can be harnessed by installing solar panels. According to a research by Jeff Tsao (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science) - theoretical potential represents more energy striking the earth’s surface in one and a half hours (480 EJ) 67 than worldwide energy consumption in the year 2001 from all sources combined (430 EJ) 68. At present, we are able to harness only 0.01% of this tremendous energy.
 A major reason why solar energy is such a hot and trending topic is that of its renewable nature. All over the globe, people have started accepting the fact that solar power is expensive to harness only in the beginning, but in the long run, it pays off! Solar energy has time and again proved to be more efficient and extremely beneficial compared to it’s other renewable and non-renewable counterparts. As a result of this, people’s awareness has risen leading to high demand and better technology that have together a paved way to turn solar power into a significantly efficient source of clean energy.

In its endeavor to ensure that you stay on top of the benefits of solar power, Suhann solar Rohtak and
Suhann solar Noida has joined hands to outline all the advantages of this clean and green energy source.

  1. It is a renewable energy source - Being a renewable energy source, the world can never run out of it. Besides, it can be harnessed in all the areas of the world and can be made available every day.
  2. It reduces electricity bills - Using solar power ensures a deep drop in electricity bills. You will save on your electricity bill and in case you generate surplus electricity that is of no use, you need not worry as it will be exported back to the grid. Also, you will receive bonus payments for it!
  3. It has diverse applications - You can generate both electricity and heat from a solar energy power source. It is useful to generate electricity in areas that lack a power grid, for water distillation, and also generate power for satellites in space! Transparent solar energy windows are also available today that can be used in buildings to harness solar power.
  4. It comes with low maintenance costs - Solar energy does not generally need much maintenance. It has to be kept clean, that’s it. If in doubt, give a call to a specialized Solar Panel Module Distributor, Installation and Maintenance company in Noida or Rohtak like Suhann Solar Noida. Such a company will render top-notch service at pocket-friendly prices. As a reliable solar panel manufacturer and distributor, Suhann Solar Rohtak and Noida offers 20-25 years warranty. Besides, always remember that a solar power unit has no moving parts, hence there is hardly any wear and tear.
  5. It is a technologically advanced form of energy source - The solar power technology is constantly advancing. These improvements are all set to intensify further in the future. While innovations in quantum physics and nanotechnology are paving the way to potentially boost the effectiveness of solar panels, and ensure double, or triple electrical inputs from solar power systems.

And when it comes to disadvantages of solar power, there are hardly any! So no cons to state as such. Ready to go the solar way? Choose adani solar panel modules installation in Noida, managed end to end by Suhan. Get your best deal today.


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